Body Type: Sedan; with Fuel Return Line; with 24 Gallon Tank; with 3 Outlets OR Body Type: Coupe; with Fuel Return Line; with 24 Gallon Tank; with 3 Outlets
Body Type: Sedan; without Fuel Return Line; with 24 Gallon Tank; with 2 Outlets OR Body Type: Coupe; without Fuel Return Line; with 24 Gallon Tank; with 2 Outlets
Body Type: Sedan; 39.75in x 26.5in x 9.25in; with 19 Gallon Tank; without Filler Neck OR Body Type: Coupe; 39.75in x 26.5in x 9.25in; with 19 Gallon Tank; without Filler Neck
Body Type: Sedan; 39.75in x 26.5in x 10in; with 24 Gallon Tank; with Filler Neck OR Body Type: Coupe; 39.75in x 26.5in x 10in; with 24 Gallon Tank; with Filler Neck
Body Type: Sedan; 39.75in x 26.5in x 10in; with 22 Gallon Tank; without Filler Neck OR Body Type: Coupe; 39.75in x 26.5in x 10in; with 22 Gallon Tank; without Filler Neck