28-1/4 in. x 17-1/4 in. x 1-1/4 in. Core;; w/ 8-1/2 TOC (Transmission Oil Cooler; Center to Center); w/o EOC (Engine Oil Cooler); Replaces OEM 3 Rows Core; Radiator Cap Is Required
Body Type: Wagon; without Air Conditioning; with 24 Gallon Tank; with 3 Outlets OR Body Type: Sedan; without Air Conditioning; with 24 Gallon Tank; with 3 Outlets OR Body Type: Coupe; without Air Conditioning; with 24 Gallon Tank; with 3 Outlets
Body Type: Sedan; without Air Conditioning; with 24 Gallon Tank; with 2 Outlets OR Body Type: Coupe; without Air Conditioning; with 24 Gallon Tank; with 2 Outlets